Masterful in London.

Seit September 2023 bin ich jetzt also in London und erwerbe meinen Master Degree am Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance. Für alle, die wirklich wissen wollen, was ich an der Themse mache,kopiere ich den ersten Satz meines proposals:

“My research inquiry investigates the current claim by proponents of New Materialism
 (Barad, 2007;Bennett2010; Harman, 2002; Braidotti,2013) that matter possesses agency through interactive practice with objects in the field of the performing arts.I propose the hypothesis that, due to its agency, an object can potentially serve as a collaborator in the development and performance of a choreographed art piece. This concept will be exploredpractically through the creation of a duet between myself and a chair, where I am the human performer and the chair acts as the non-human performer, as well as through dialogue with theoreticaltexts.”

Freue mich schon wieder auf Deutschland, auch wenn ich in London schwer verliebt bin.
Also verliebt in London, also in die Stadt!
Aber ich komme wieder, that’s for sure. No worries! 

Kilta Rainprechter


mob: +49 151 25217234

home: Alling